A people’s place.

Salem is a mission congregation of the Northwestern Ohio Synod and the ELCA. We are a unique congregation that does not rely on traditional membership alone. We are a conglomeration of disciples, neighborhood friends, interfaith partners, and ecumenical brothers and sisters. We work with businesses and non-profits alike. We care for our neighborhood in North Toledo which is dealing with extreme economic poverty with all of our human heart, mind, and soul, and we ask God to help us. We believe that it is holy to learn to love people. We believe that it is sacred to form friendships across lines of race, economic class, sexual orientation, and religion. We would rather end our congregation than let artificial barriers get in our way. The real question for us is: can you love people, can you tell them that they matter, which is indeed good news, are you open, can we learn and grown with one another? If so, then you belong with us. We are a fellowship together; we are a common union; we are real people gathered together for the sake of the world, and we give it everything we’ve got.
