
“Invest in the millennium. Plant sequoias.” - Wendell Berry

In 1974, 150 giant sequoia trees, Sequoiadendron giganteum, were planted in the San Jacinto mountains, about 175 miles south of their natural range. In 2008, a botanist stumbled across the grove and found that not only had the trees survived, but they had managed to naturally propagate 7 more trees, which until this point had been just about unheard of. Those trees alone will clean enough carbon dioxide out of the air for about 172 human lifetimes. So, if one were to allow room for a little over extrapolation, investing in our future makes it (literally) easier to breathe.

We look at our work with Young People in the same way. They are a vital part of us, and as they continue to grow, they come to bless our world. Investing in our young people is not only wise, but it is a crucial part of what we do and who we are.

Metal crafting

Metal crafting

Salem Bike Shoppe

Salem Bike Shoppe

Hear. I am. Art collaborative

Hear. I am. Art collaborative