Neighborhood wellness team


The Neighborhood wellness team

How do people come together as neighbors to care for and serve in their neighborhood? Can people find ways to care and serve their neighborhood without becoming petty tyrants over it? Can neighbors care for their neighborhood without becoming mere political chess pieces for larger organizations or personalities? We believe that the answer is yes. We also believe that neighbors coming together for this purpose can increase a sense of well-being in their community. Thus, with generous partners, like-minded neighbors, and a simple spirit, a number of us have come together to form a Neighborhood Wellness Team. Our goal is quite simply to promote health and wellness through seasonal events, connecting neighbors to resources we have triaged, providing neighborhood meals, and creating relationship. To contact, become a part of, or support the efforts of the neighborhood wellness team, please e-mail our administrator at

Below you can find forms for our Mini-Grant Opportunities:

Mini-Grant Application

Mini-Grant Guidelines and Priorities